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RA Dalton Ltd are the Klargester number one accredited installer covering the whole of the UK.

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Remedials refresh for this Premier Tech ASP8.

Not all of the installation work we carry out is to install a completely new sewage treatment plant, under certain circumstances small modifications need to be carried out to the existing set up to allow the unit to operate in line with its manufactural expectations.

When we first attended a property in North Yorkshire they advised our contracts manager that they were experiencing multiple issues with the mechanical failure of the unit, it quickly became clear what was the main cause of the problem.

At the point of the original installation (by others) the Premier Tech Aqua ASP8 package sewage treatment plant had been installed in a recessed area within the garden. This quickly became problematic during periods of heavy rainfall where the water would settle in the tank location, subsequently as this unit had the blower located within the neck of the system it frequently became submerged and failed.

Installation of a Premier Tech ASP raiser piece.

To combat this issue the most cost effective solution for our customer was to install a new Premier Tech Raiser piece onto the neck of the ASP8, this would then lift the neck of the tank to a higher level and reduce the risk of the unit being heavily impacted by excessive rainfall.

However, upon further inspection it was determined that the soakaway did not appear to be working as intended either with the failing outfall also potentially highlighting another threat of flooding. Therefore, a new discharge location needed to be achieved.

During the site visit a storm water drain was located as a potential option, however this posed the next complication in the fact that the proposed discharge point was at a higher level than the outlet of the sewage treatment plant.

New Single Effluent pump station.

The logical solution to overcome this next challenge was to install a new small single effluent pump station on the line of the outfall to pump the effluent to the higher level destination.  The effluent would be lifted 12 metres through 50mm Black MDPE pipework from the new Premier Tech S/Top 3 to the storm water drain.

Once all the necessary installation works were complete and the risk of flooding had been considerably reduced, we could then focus on getting the system operational again. Carrying out this stage of the works first would have been counterproductive and could have results in more replacement parts being required.

Repairs and commissioning.

The reins were safely handed over from our installation team to our servicing team to set up and commission the new package pump station but also to relocated the new Secoh JDK80 blower to an above ground blower housing.

To facilitate this work our commissioning engineer had to install a new section of ¾ inch airline from the tank to the blower housing and make all the appropriate connections. A new control panel was also essential along with a high level beacon so the customer could always easily be made aware should there be any issues with the pump station.

The system was then left up and running with the new remedial works carried out reducing the chances of any future call outs being required, all as long as the Premier Tech ASP8 and S/TOP 3 package pump station are maintained, serviced and emptied in line with the manufacturer’s recommendations and the residents remember the ‘Three Ps’ then it should be plain sailing from here.

For more information on the services, we can provide why not give us a call on 01388 537030.

Durham Office

01388 537030

Bishop Auckland
County Durham
DL13 1DB

Crook Office

01388 537030

Unit 10c,
Beechburn Industrial Estate,
County Durham, DL15 8RA

Glasgow Office

01698 827628

Room 1.6,
1 Redwood Crescent
East Kilbride
G74 5PA

Chesterfield Office

01246 865412

Unit 2, Midway Business Centre
Bridge Street Industrial Estate
Clay Cross, Chesterfield
S45 9NU

Cornwall Office

01326 653222

PFS (Helston) Ltd,
TR13 0LW

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