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RA Dalton Ltd are the Klargester number one accredited installer covering the whole of the UK.

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Coastal connection to Mains Sewer

As a company we work alongside a wide variation of organisations, companies and customers, with this not only comes an expansive scope of works but also allows our engineers to travel to some of the most beautiful and icon areas of the UK.

We were recently invited to provide a quotation at a coastal site in the Northeast where development and expansion work was being undertaken, we therefore were required to tender for bypassing the old septic tank and divert the foul waste on site to the main sewer.

The existing septic tank had exceeded its shelf life and was no longer able to handle the flow from site, therefore before pollution became an environmental concern upgrade works were required. The ultimate solution to comply with the 2020 General Binding Rules was to connect to the mains sewer.

Klargester PU1230TG Pump Station

Due to the distance to the mains sewer a suitable package pump station was required to suit the application, the details were provided to the manufacturer of choice (Klargester), this was to ensure the correct specification was supplied and the unit was correctly sized.

As a standard the following information is usually required as part of the design specification to ensure this is correctly sized:

  • Type of application.
  • Expected daily flow
  • The distance to pump and what lift is required.
  • What capacity is needed (24 hour/ overnight etc).

The efficient operation of the site is reliant on the pump station being appropriately selected, to ensure this is the case we also quoted to install a remote monitoring GSM unit which alerts a set group of individuals if there are any operational issues on the pump station.

This improves reaction time and possibly limits any issues and site is not waiting on their staff to notice the beacon/ alarm.

Drainage consolidation

A large aspect of this installation was the excavation of the required pipework, we needed to install a large section of new gravity inlet drainage to divert the existing foul drain to the proposed pump station location, we also needed to connect the newly developed areas to the PU1230TG. A total of over 125 metres of 110mm pipe and fittings were installed across this site.

The rising main was an even larger stretch and encompassed a large section of the project, approximately 429 metres of 63mm Black MDPE rising main was installed from the site towards the proposed connection location.

A further 120 metres of 110mm gravity drainage was installed from a private disconnecting chamber to the NWL mains sewer connection location. Over the entire project a total of over 680 metres of pipework was installed from variation locations.

Connection to mains sewer

Once all the pipework had been installed within the site this then initiated the street works element of the project, pre-planning is a requirement for this stage as a number of licenses are required in order to carry out this stage of the works.

The Section 106 to connect to the mains sewer needed to be approved before any of the other licenses could be attained, once this permission was granted, we were able to look at the Section 50 and footpath closure to allow us to install the new demarcation chamber and pipework to ultimately connect to mains sewer.

As part of the street works the council identified the requirement for the following criteria to be met:

  • 3-way traffic lights were required whilst undertaking the works in the road, this included the necessary signage, permit boards and fencing.
  • The reinstatement of the pathway and road needed to be as existing.

The actual connection to mains sewer itself was nearly 2.8 metres deep and was problematic at best with a number of services in the excavation area, meaning our site team had to excavate slow and steady.

Once depth was achieved and we located the mains sewer a number of obstacles meant that we were not able to connect in the manner we had initially proposed. Solid rock, services and the width of the road were all causing complications. We therefore need to adapt the style of connection made to suit the space we had available.

Going through all the correct channels we got approval to install the saddle in a logical manner. The excavation was then backfilled and retarmacked to the desired standard.

Our engineers battled through every weather condition possible to ensure this site was completed in a reasonable timeframe and to a high standard.

Durham Office

01388 537030

Bishop Auckland
County Durham
DL13 1DB

Crook Office

01388 537030

Unit 10c,
Beechburn Industrial Estate,
County Durham, DL15 8RA

Glasgow Office

01698 827628

Room 1.6,
1 Redwood Crescent
East Kilbride
G74 5PA

Chesterfield Office

01246 865412

Unit 2, Midway Business Centre
Bridge Street Industrial Estate
Clay Cross, Chesterfield
S45 9NU

Cornwall Office

01326 653222

PFS (Helston) Ltd,
TR13 0LW

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